Displaying Dynamic Information Alongside Revenue

Create new platforms for online advertising while keeping your citizens safe and well-informed using smart signages that display real-time and up-to-date information on all occasion.


What is Smart Signage?

Smart signage is a system of interactive digital screens used in cities to provide information, guide behaviors, and maintain instant communication during emergencies. They also work great as platforms for online advertising, providing cities additional ad revenue among other benefits.

Benefits of Smart Signage:

  • Boosted  Signage Ad Revenue.

  • Improved Traffic Management Through Live Updates.

  • Improved City Reputation Due to Positive Word-of-Mouth From Visitors

  • Update and Manage Content Across Multiple Locations Real-Time.

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Smart Signage Overview

Digital signage is a system of interactive displays that can quickly update and provide information for the viewer. Compared to their static counterparts that take up space, digital signage is also an excellent platform for advertising, showcasing both effective and engaging ads for the viewer.

Smart Banners also help in dealing with common city problems such as crowd management by announcing temporary closures or route changes, delivering health and safety instructions faster for emergencies, and even information booths to guide first-time visitors.

Use Cases

  • Influencing Resident Behaviors:

    • showing content about ongoing problems like high energy consumption can make views more inclined to use appliances efficiently. The same can be applied to interactive surveys, info on public transportation, and combating smoking especially around teenagers.

  • Up-to-Date Information:

    • Tired of outdated information continuing to spread? Our signage solution you the option to share information real-time and ensure your city's residents are well informed with true and up to date information.
  • Emergencies And Safety Alerts:

    • Unfortunately, many people can lose their lives during emergencies because they simply didn't know where to go and what to do in that situation. Smart signages combat this reality by providing real-time safety alerts and evacuation instructions help people stay safe during emergencies.

  • Digital Advertising:

    • Digital advertising on smart signages can provide an excellent revenue stream for cities using targeted ads and selling spaces to local businesses, agencies, and even organizers.


increasing revenue

Additional revenue streams: Cities can earn more revenue by placing signages in busy areas, either for their own ads or renting the space to businesses. This flexible strategy supports city finances and future development.

Improved Traffic Management: Smart signage provides accurate traffic updates and route suggestions with no need for user interaction, This allows you to focus on driving without interacting with navigating devices or apps.  

traffic lights

Positive Word-of-Mouth Promotion: Equipping signage with interactive maps and recommendations for visitors will increase the likelihood of revisits and improve the city's overall reputation amongst outsiders.

Increased Citizen Engagement: Smart signages can dynamically showcase news and local events, helping to create a responsive community of like-minded individuals.

Positive promotion
increasing engagement

Your Next Step

Keep your citizens engaged and well-informed by integrating smart digital displays across your city. 

More Ways to Explore